Monday, April 30, 2007

Research and references
After getting a brief and keywords related to the project, we started working on references and looking at the mobile applications which could help redesigning existing application or creating a new application. Research was done using internet and also looking at the existing high tech 3G and PDAs. After getting all the references we tried to relate them with the brief and filtered those application who were much related to the brief. We put them in one chart which gave relationship of those applications and keywords.

Here is the chart which shows relation between references and combined keywords. As shown in the chart, maximum number of reference were got in entertainment+sharing.

Brain storming and Ideas
In a very short period of time we had first revision which ended up showing one detailed idea about a new application of "education and information sharing". But according to the company the contents used and interaction flow were quite similar to the online education applications.

After completing the revision we tried to see all the aspects again and did more brainstorming which could result in some new ideas or modify existing ideas. This part of brain storming was chaotic. On the next revision which was after two days, we were with the same idea but little bit modified. We were discussing more and trying to modify idea in a better way. During the discussion we suddenly got one new idea which was inspired from "orkut" and flickr. We thought of making an application which is related to sharing emotional aspects, experiences and some precious moments that everyone has in their own life.

Everyone likes to share their experiences, funny, emotional and precious moments with their loved ones. The main idea was why not allow user to share their experiences with their friends, family, girl friend, boy friend, business colleague etc. We tried to develop an application which allows user to share experiences through "gift" which include images, texts, videos and sounds. There is a database which stores the girt created by user. When conversation between two people is ended, a database sends a "gift" from receiver end.

For example, "user 1" calls "user 2" and there is some conversation between both the user. After the conversation, database chooses a "gift" created by "user 2" and automatically sends to "user 1". User can select different groups for different gifts (like friends, family etc). According to that relation with the user database automatically sends the gift. If "user 1" is a friend of "user 2" then gift is chosen from friend list and is send it accordingly.

This application was designed for 2G (with camera), 3G mobile phones and PDAs.

User profile

Our main target audience was school going and college going students who like to share their experiences through videos, images, texts and sounds. More ever these people are used to new mobile technologies and applications. So generally age group of 14 to 30 was our target audience.


This application was given a name "gift in".
We developed two parts of this application.
1. Receiving a gift.
2. Preparing a gift.

Receiving a "gift"
This image shows the interaction flow of receiving end of "gift in". As shown, in this application gift can be made of text, video, image and sound(recorded or mp3 song).

This would be the image when user receives a "gift" from a friend. Here, this "gift" contains text, image and sound which is showed in colored part. This "gift" does not contain videos, so it is shown in black and white. The contents which "gift" contains, is shown colored and others are shown black and white.

Preparing a "gift"
This interface shows the whole process of preparing the "gift in" application.

This is the main page when user opens the application. Green colored "picture" shows that there is already an image stored. Transparent "movie" and "sound" shows that there is no movie and sound in the gift. Text columns are given to put texts.

These two images show the option of putting "song" or "record (voices or music)" in the gift.

After completing the contents (sound,video, image etc.) user has the option to put that gift in the existing sets (like friends, family, business etc) or create a new set (like travel, girl friend etc). So the gift is sent to the people of related people of that "set" only.

These are the different groups which we get and can be created for the application.

This is the final feedback when gift is created.

other projects
1. Language, Literacy and Mobile UI - Nokia
2 surprise-interaction design lab
3. giftin-mobile application-icon media lab
4. camima-robotically yours
5. come fly with us-retail therapy
6. two halves
7. hacking keyboards
8. annoyer-interactive toys